Dog Licenses

All dogs in the Village must be licensed each year. If you are a landlord be sure your tenants license their dogs as this fee could be applied to your taxes. Dog licenses are available at the Village Office, during office hours (by appointment only). Or you may deposit your payment in the drop slot at the Village Office, located near the south east corner of the building. Be sure to include a stamped, self addressed envelope with your payment.

You must have proof of current rabies vaccinations. Be sure to include a stamped, self addressed envelope with your payment so the license can be mailed back to you.

Spayed or Neutered Dogs = $7.50 Non = $15.00

If you do not purchase your license by June 1st, 2021 an additional $25.00 fine will be added per dog. If you have questions, contact Donna at the Village Office at 727-5981.